Twenty years comprehensive project management experience in both academic and corporate settings. Eight years experience developing, creating content for, and managing on-line knowledgebases. Four years experience in development and implementation of marketing design and communications projects. Four years experience in community volunteer work, grant writing, and event planning, with an emphasis on environmental restoration projects.

Twelve years technical writing of a wide variety of software manuals, help files, newsletters, and marketing communications materials.

Enterprise level scriptingone sure-fire way to save time... automation using Winbatch. Eight years experience as a WinBatch programmer, providing WinBatch scripting services to users on all levelsanything from basic training to advanced WinBatch automation solutions.

Below is a comment from a client, on a script I wrote to automate the integration of randomized plots created in Excel, brought into PhotoShop to overlap images, and the final image then used to log the randomized analysis of coral reef transects. The script is used to sort, graph, plot, and save hundreds of manipulated image files:

"The script overcomes numerous obstacles including various image sizes and types, user-defined storage systems and naming conventions, differing memory allocation and processor speeds, and the management of large temporary files. Without the script and dotting/storage process the script conducts, the protocol would not be possible. The script is being used in more than 15 Island countries, universities, NGOs, and governmental organizations around the U.S. and Caribbean."

—Jeff Miller, National Park Service, US Geological Survey

Contact me for further information and an overview of my work +206.293.2084 or by email at: